Is the letter of acceptance/rejection from UC's permanent(sent out in mid-March)?!

<p>Sorry if my question doesn’t make sense. What I mean is that does the letter of acceptance or rejection matters? Does it really mean you got accepted or rejected? I mean it is isn’t permanent cuz the UC’s haven’t looked at the senior grades yet. Anyone that gets an acceptance letter may still get rejected if senior grades were bad right? Well, I was wondering if one get a rejection letter at first can still get accepted? I have another issue that I’m confused about. Will UC’s still look at the community service hours from senior year after you turn in the application? Does it still count? When will we submit the official transcript for all 4 years? The problem is I have only about 93 hours of community service but I want to get more. However, in my application I only stated that I have this much hours. Can I still get more even though I submitted the UC application already. HOW DOES THIS WORK?? I’m so confused right now!

<p>Your acceptance letter will be CONDITIONAL. The conditions: Graduate from high school, complete all courses required to complete your A-G requirements, and maintain an acceptable GPA (generally a 3.0, but some who got a bit lower than that were not rescinded. If you are accepted and your second-semester grades will be lower than a 3.0, it is best to contact the campus as soon as possible to explain the circumstances).</p>

<p>You just need to maintain a B average in the senior year. That is all. Sr. year community service hours do not count. Only 10th & 11th grade service and grades count for the UCs. Relax. Enjoy senior year. Focus on what you control. You can't undo the past.</p>

<p>Ok this is what I posted in a similar thread:
Ok this is what is was for us based on the acceptance letters and the terms of agreement:</p>

<p>UCB, UCLA, UCSD: You cannot receive under a 3.0 Unweighted in senior year, nor a D or F which means C's are allowed but as long as you can make up for them with some A's.</p>

<p>The rest of the UC's: No D's or F's... thats about it.</p>

<p>Anyway that is IF you get accepted. And no, they won't care if you ditch community service and they won't care if you lock up your piano teacher and set your awards on fire. However if you get REJECTED, you are basically done and over try again next life unless something was terribly wrong on your app and you could appeal it. Dont count on it though since Appeal acceptance is VERY low percent... like MUCH MUCH lower than Harvard Acceptance and they only let appeals in that had mistakes on apps etc.</p>

<p>if u get rescinded from one school, that doesn't affect the other schools' acceptances right?</p>