Is the UC system stringent on the GPA requirement?

<p>I have a 2.5 GPA but my SAT scores are relatively competent (1830, 700 US History, 610 World History.)</p>

<p>Has anyone ever heard of an exception from the GPA?</p>

<p>Yes, eligibility can be accomplished by test scores alone, but you need to average ~720 on all five tests (SAT/ACT + 2 subject tests). This is how home-schoolers typically qualify. </p>

<p>UC</a> Admissions</p>

<p>UC also has admission by exception (to both gpa and test scores), but those slots are reserved for recruited athletes, scions of world leaders, and prospective million dollar donors.</p>

<p>Just wanted to add some clarification on the Admission by Exception (ABE) process since it wasn't portrayed correctly in the above post. The ABE process is not restricted to those listed above and is a closely monitored and restricted process. Each UC campus can only admit a certain number of applicants by ABE. The ABE system is reserved for applicants whom do not meet minimum admissions requirements but, the campus feels will succeed at the university level. Although the process does not restrict participation of those listed above, it is designed to admit students with highly extreme hardships or over qualified applicants that had particular issues completing part of the requirements (i.e. the SAT Subject Exams were not offered in their community).</p>

<p>Please note, applicants cannot request to be reviewed for ABE; ABE review is decided by the campus. In particular, the reader(s) of the application felt is was necessary based on the information provided in the application.</p>

<p>Unforunately, my GPA is at a 2.5 which puts me at great concern. I concern that as soon as an officer will see this, it will immediately put me into the rejection pile. </p>

<p>My hopes lie in that I hope to demonstrate extreme improvement in my senior year. In this improvement I mean from a .8(UW) in my sophomore year, 3.3(UW) junior year, and perhaps 3.5+(W) in my senior year.</p>

<p>I have calculated that even if I receive 4.0 in both my semesters, it would not reach 3.0 because of my miserable sophomore year. Would my sophomore year completely destroy my hopes for going to a UC?</p>

<p>My reasons for my extremely low GPA my sophomore year are explained in my personal statement, which I believe is quite detailed. But, I was not held back by examples such as the subjects offered in my community. Is the ABE system restricted to community issues?</p>

<p>You need a 3.0 GPA to be eligible,that said, you can qualify by admission through examination alone.</p>