<p>Hey, it’s great to know that you decided to give CS a full chance! Now, it’s on, play Eye of the Tiger and get cracking. </p>
<p>It was great of your professor you let you sit-in in his classes and it’s quite unfortunate that the only people who can understand your plight are on forums such as these. Anyway…</p>
<li><p>Yes, StackOverflow is a forum. And yea, you can post your code and ask what is wrong and you WILL get a formidable reply because Stack has rookie-good- great- and genius coders who even work at Google. It’s great help.</p></li>
<li><p>If you can read code properly and know what it will print, then you can well easily write code too. Writing code from scratch may seem a bit overwhelming at first, it did, too all of us and particularly me - I used to get terrible grades and this was because I used to try and mug up code to program problems. Err, didn’t work. </p></li>
<p>I would like to ask you some questions though -
- Which college do you go to ? (So that I may not end up there
,really, your peers seem a bit unhelpful )</p>
<p>2) What is your current programming language and what did you start with? Java , C++, C, Scheme, Python? Really need to determine what you need to deal with here. </p>
<p>3) Are you familiar with stuff like sorting algorithms ( selection, bubble , merge, quick etc)? Stuff like searching algorithms ( linear , binary etc) ? Data structures like stacks , heaps and ques etc? Helps to know what sort of programs are you doing. </p>
<p>And finally , 4) What sort of programs are you doing? Can you gimme a few examples? </p>
<p>Importantly, about the writing code from scratch part. Many program problems they give are quite commonplace and have solutions floating in the internet. Try getting to them, compiling them on your own IDE, translating them from another programming language to the one you’re using or just replicating them or reproducing them differently. This IS key. </p>
<p>Also, try asking your professor to give you some programs to solve. Outta the book stuff. Compile them, check if they run , but don’t let them go yet. This is for all programs you do. Since you’re in college, try approaching your professor with a print-out of your program and asking him if the method is correct. </p>
<p>What do I mean by this? You see people tend to pick up, over time some programming practices that are not that beneficial in the long term and can effect you when you’re trying to get into Google. But do this later, after you are comfortable with coding from scratch.</p>
<p>Also, try not to use IDEs that complete code for you. Might overwhelm you.
Cya! And Good Luck.</p>