Is there a possibility or chance I will be able to attend UCLA or UC Bekerley?

<p>I am a 10th grader who lives in Houston,TX. My GPA is 3.6. I am in honor classes (English, Biology,Geomentry,World History) I planned to take AP classes next year. I am in Debate, Track, and AFJROTC. I plan to volunteer at the YMCA. What do I need get on my SAT and ACT inorder to get accepted and get I do this summer to make my college resume look good. Thank you!</p>

<p>Wreck your SAT’s for starters. Don’t worry about the minimum required to get in- shoot the SAT’s face off! Learn SAT writing strategies to increase your writing score, take practice tests to work on CR and Math, etc.
Your AP classes will help, mainly if you get A’s. This is for GPA bump and it show you are motivated and can succeed with college-level curriculum.
Stick with your extracurriclars as long as you can, colleges love perseverance.Try to secure a leadership position with one or more of your extracurriculars if possible. If not, work to get some sort of award or recognition.
Summer: try to intern somewhere (if you’re 16), that looks really good on college apps.
Junior year is arguably your most important year for applying to college. Aim for academic perfection, even if it seems like studying can wait. (In retrospect, I wish I had studied just a bit more to get that extra A or slight bump in SAT’s…)
Lots of community service also looks good.
Can’t think of anything else at the moment, I might add some more later…</p>

<p>Come back with SAT scores and AP exam scores. Bump your GPA up to a 3.9+.
You’ll want at least a 2000 on the SAT, but a lot of the kids who get into top schools like Cal and LA have near-perfect scores. </p>

<p>It’s hard to tell this early-on if you’re a match for these schools, so if you find that Cal and LA are too competitive, the next in line UC school is UC: San Diego, which is still pretty prestigious for its academics.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice!</p>