Is there a way to find out average SAT/ACT scores for people admitted into college of

<p>Education and Human Development at A&M? My daughter wants to go there for Kinesiology towards a PT career. Just curious to see how her scores might compare.</p>

<p>Here’s the report for Fall 2013 – it is broken out by different stats, hopefully this will help to figure it out for your daughter. <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt; sorry copied the wrong one!</p>

<p>So help me out here. I found the college of Education on your report (thanks by the way). I see Verbal at 540, Math at 570 and Writing at 531. For the ACT, I see a Composite of 25.</p>

<p>Which of these do they really look at?</p>

<p>If you turn in both they will use the one that is most beneficial to the applicant. Obviously if the student just turns either the SAT or ACT then it will be used.</p>

<p>This is where it gets tricky - if you’re top 10% of your TX school, your scores don’t matter for this major (but those aren’t tagged in any way, just put into the mix), then there are the admits who are combo of your rank and score for academic admits and finally the holistic review ( 50% scores & rank, 50% everything else). The scores that count are the Verbal ( CR) and Math for the SAT (writing must be taken but not considered) OR they look at the ACT composite with writing (again writing isn’t considered). On these reports they only report whichever was highest submitted by the student ( ACT or SAT) not all tests submitted. You do have to qualify for admission to the university first, then you are admitted to your major. Since the average is on the lower side, it means that there are still a significant amount of open slots in the major after auto/academic admits ( compare to COE or Mays, they are much higher averages meaning fewer slots for holistic admits) which is good news. </p>

<p>AGmomx2 - that’s what I wanted to hear, that there may be significant amount of open slots in the College of Education after the auto & academic admits. She won’t be either one of those. Thank you so much. I should ask people who got into Education as reviews what kind of stats they had.</p>

<p>The key will be getting into the university - the colleges don’t normally have a bearing on your admission (now there are exceptions to that - the last few spots of Business & last 15% of Engineering) it is normally just if there is a slot available, and you’re admitted to the university you are admitted to the major (no further evaluation is done). So what you need to know is the profile of an admitted holistic student to the university. I would also suggest she try to take her tests again, you never know - some people have awesome coloring days :wink: Try the Khan academy videos online -they’re free. My kids have used them for various subjects, they’re very good.</p>

<p>Oh. So you’re saying the scores I need to compare to are the overall scores for A&M, not the scores for just the college of Education?</p>

<p>Yes, step one is admission to the university. Remember the scores & rank are only 50% of the decision once you are in the holistic review category, the other 50% is EC, awards, special circumstances, essays, interest, recs,etc. The admissions system is so different for each of the three categories - it would be nice if they divided out the stats by admission categories but they don’t. It’s very hard to figure out who gets in from the holistic pool, if you figure out the magic formula for the other 50% you’ll be the CC hero!</p>

<p>@bulbar </p>

<p>no, you need to have significantly higher than average unless you’re auto admit.</p>

<p>Auto/Academic admissions usually chew up the vast majority of the acceptances, and the top 10%ers typically have a pretty low SAT (they bring the average down a lot, the policy really needs to be rethought). when it comes to holistic I’ve seen 34/1450+ get turned down, there are very few spots left</p>

<p>TAMU - wow. That’s depressing. What % of the acceptances do you think the Auto & Academics take up?</p>

<p>We were told that at least 75% are auto and academic admits. My guess is that it may be even higher. Luckily my son was and academic admit.</p>

<p>Wow. Doesn’t leave much room for my daughter. Should have transfered to an easy high school. It’s like you get punished for going to a good school.</p>