Is there an interview?

<p>I could not find any information as to whether or not USMA gives interviews to candidates, similar to the one he did for USNA with their Blue/Gold officer?</p>

<p>He completed the online application, has his references in. These were probably finalized mid December. He is completed the physical (he did fairly well, maxing push ups, maxing sit ups, 6:30 mile) and medical requirements (DoDMERB website says he is qualified). </p>

<p>His academics are GPA 3.5 with a very heavily AP geared class load. (not the best grades first two years while he figured what he wants to do). He is an AP scholar with honors, does sports including tennis, basketball, sailing, pistol and trap leagues. He is in his 5th year of German and 1st year of Arabic (taking this from the professor at the university as it is not offered in his HS). He has club leadership and is VP of student body. He has a nomination to USMA (as well as USNA) from both a senator and congressman. ACT is 28 english/verbal 27 math. He is taking the SAT this month.</p>

<p>USNA sent a letter saying he was triple qualified and part of that was determined by an interview with them via their B/G officer. </p>

<p>So I was wondering is this interview with a local representative something USMA does as well and we need to wait to hear from them? Or does not hearing from them imply they not considering him compeditive enough? Or that they need more time to process?</p>


<p>Michael, has your son been assigned a MALO or Field Force Admissions Rep. in your area? If so he /she should be able to answer your question. If not, get your son to call/e-mail his Regional Commander and ask (i) for his MALO contact details, and (ii) if an interview is required. </p>

<p>If your son went to SLS last year, he may already have an interview report on file.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>there definately is- i met with my west point ‘b/g’ or whatever you wanna call it and had an hour long interview (more like a talk). i received a trip qual letter the next week. coincidence? i dunno</p>

<p>I never interviewed with my admissions officer and just got an LOA this past week. I guess it doesn’t really matter</p>

<p>Interviews are usually required if at all possible for all competitive candidates. For the most part they are conducted by the Candidate’s MALO or Field Force Admissions Rep.
For candidates who attend SLS, an interview report is filled out by their squad leader.
I believe that the coach does the interview for recruited athletes.
Some competitive candidates may not have a MALO available to conduct and interview in their area - if this is the case, they may not have an interview.</p>


<p>what was the appointment package like? what did they send you to say that you got in?</p>

<p>It was just a plain envelope with one piece of paper. It said that the admissions committee has recommended me for an appointment and they have reserved a cadetship upon receipt of nomination, continued excellent work in school, and file completion. It also says I have until February 28 to send stuff I haven’t finished yet, which in my case were my senior 1st semester transcripts and candidate statements, or else the letter of assurance will be withdrawn. It says when these matters are resolved I will be appointed a member of the USMA class of 2013. It never mentioned an interview in the things that I haven’t completed yet, so I guess it’s not required.</p>

<p>The interview is recommended but not required.</p>

<p>NCRC4: I believe Rambo said he received an LOA not an appointment. </p>

<p>JunTapaoPV: “The interview is recommended but not required.”
Can you provide a source for this information?</p>

<p>My son received his loa and nomination and then was called by a local reserve officer for an interview which was conducted the following day. The interview was very friendly relaxed. The interviewer answered any questions my son had and especially pointed out the academy’s tattoo policy to be sure my son understands it.</p>

<p>Thanks all for the replies. My son called WP and they pulled up his file. As he relayed the conversation to me…</p>

<li>They were very helpful and answered all his questions. </li>
<li>They told him the interview is considered optional and recommended but not required. </li>
<li>He asked to do an interview to give them yet another idea of his true interest in the academy. They will email the local contact to then schedule this interview. </li>

<p>Thanks again.</p>

<p>Tachyon: I’m pleased to hear your son got things worked out.</p>

<p>“They told him the interview is considered optional and recommended but not required.”<br>
Did they tell him that this is their blanket policy for all candidates or is this relative to his file/area of residence?</p>

<p>MALOs have access to the field force website that allows them to see which candidates in their area are “required" to have an interview. If it is not possible to interview a candidate, candidates are not penalized in any way - from this standpoint it is not a firm requirement. </p>

<p>Having an interview is to the candidate’s advantage - it allows USMA to get additional information that may not be evident on the application form, and allows the candidate the opportunity to ask questions and get advice specific to his/her file.</p>