Is there any tutor services besides GUTS?

<p>I'm in need of a tutor, went to GUTS today and they said it would take 2-3 weeks to find me a tutor, probably closer to 3 because they're low on tutors. I was hoping to get a tutor asap.</p>

<p>What subject?</p>

<p>Psychology 202</p>

<p>I know this isn’t your question, but have you signed up for the extra credit research studies that are normally available to students in psych classes?</p>

<p>Yes, I’m regularly doing the extra credit research studies to get to my 15 points.
I’m needing a tutor because I got my first test grade back today and it’s going to have to be the one I can drop.</p>

<p>Oh I see, if it was like Chem or something they have Learning Centers, but I don’t think they have that for Psych. You could form study groups with people in your class to help study. I know my dorm (Chad) has a study group for Psych 202, even if you are not in Chad, it wouldn’t hurt to stop by and ask if you could join. E-fellow can help you find people in your dorm with the same class to form study groups. That’s pretty much all that I know… I did take AP Psych in high school and got a 5 on the AP exam. I might be able to answer some of your questions if you want to shoot me a message on collegeboard =)</p>

<p>Also talk to your TA/professor during office hours to figure out how to change your study habits to learn what they expect.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice/help! :)</p>