Is there still a chance?

Highschool: Very rigorous College-Prep High School
State: Florida
GPA: 3.31 W
ACT: 34
AP’s: AP US (4), AP HUG (5), AP Macro (4), AP Micro (4)


  1. Owner of a business (That I built from ground up)
  2. 3 Summer Internship at a Medical Software Firm
  3. Worked during summers
  4. I tutor students in all academic areas but primarily computer science. I also tutor senior citizens (at the local retirement home in computer basics).
  5. President of Environmental Club
  6. Owner of a blog with 26,000 subscriptions
  7. Completed MIT Intro Computer Science online course in my free time
  8. Have several family responsibilities
  9. Took Summer Programs at Auburn, Columbia, and Williams
  10. Have participated in multiple Community Service opportunities

Between my ridiculously rigorous school and messing up Freshman year, my GPA is really low. My Junior year my GPA was a 3.89, so I guess I have an upward trend going for me. Is there still any chance I can get in? Also, should I be applying EA?

Note: According to my school’s website, the average GPA and ACT admitted to Wisconsin (from my school) is a 3.53 and 28 ACT. Also, as you can see from my tech prominent EC’s, I plan on majoring in Computer Science.


Whoa- your school is NOT that great. Many good public HS’s in Wisconsin- you would be surprised by them, especially compared to Florida. It also sounds like you didn’t take advantage of the opportunities your first two years (based on your gpa).

I didn’t follow your logic in majoring in Computer Science. Sounds like Business as well. Remember that CS is more than basic programming- look at the UW website for the crosslisted courses with UW’s also highly ranked math department. Note the theory and advanced math thinking involved. btw- my son was a math major (Honors- included some grad level math courses) and added the computer science major- his first job improved his programming skills. The field(s) you choose when you enter college may not be the one you end up in.

UW only uses unweighted gpa’s- even weighted yours is low. However, your Junior year grades show a vast improvement. This works in your favor. Your AP test scores seem average- mostly 4’s- to me. It seems to me as though you finally “woke up” and got your act together last year.

Remember that EA application merely means getting a quicker answer than meeting the final deadline. Your good junior year grades indicate that you have learned how to study. Hopefully you continue that trend this year.

I suspect your chances are good when looking at your junior year grades and ACT score. Remember to keep your focus on the academics more than the extras.

According to the 2016 Common Data Set, the average GPA of entering freshmen is a 3.85


It’s good to see that you checked your HS stats for admission, because from our experience that is the best indicator of the outcome. Frankly, I think you’ll struggle with that GPA.

As for your ACT, it’s very impressive and it has to mean that you did very well on all sections including the math. Therefore, I wonder why you do not have an AP AB or BC calc score from 11th grade? Also, very strong in comp sci, so why not an AP Comp Sci score? If the reason is that you were so beyond those classes, then did you dual enroll during the school year at a FL university (not talking about summer classes)?

And, FWIW, I do believe that the ranking and rigor of your FL high school carries weight in the admission process.

Many Wisconsin students will take calculus as seniors. Also- some who eventually include CS in their college degree will never take AP computer science- it didn’t fit my son’s HS schedule, for example. No big deal for him even with higher test scores than the OP. Gifted students (not that the OP is gifted- he doesn’t need to be) can have problems with boredom and bothering to do the work to get top grades. If their junior year grades remain low it means they will likely not have the study skills needed for UW (or other colleges). However, the OP had good grades last year. This shows he got his act together, he matured. UW will notice this and it is in his favor.

It is worth your while to apply to UW. Since other students from your HS apply and get accepted to UW your guidance department should be able to give you suggestions about applying in the first period (all materials are due soon) or waiting for first semester of this year grades. This is not early action like some private schools- it is a fairly new term to describe getting an answer sooner (even if the answer is not a definite yes/no). No guarantees but your application will be looked at if it is in by the deadline. Do not worry if you miss the first notification deadline.

It will be interesting for you to make decisions about your career path once you have experienced college classes. Good luck to you.