is this retarded?

<p>i'm thinking about turning down Williams, Pomona and BC for miami....</p>

<p>is this retarded?</p>

<p>Depends on your reasons. Go where you will be most comfortable and enjoy it most. My S turned down USC Engineering, North Carolina, and Stanford for Miami as he figures he'll be most happy at Miami. (Course no money being offered by Stanford helped make that part of the decision) He figures that he can go to one of the premier schools for Grad degree later but wants to really enjoy his undergrad while also getting a great education.</p>

<p>Do It!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>it's not.. didn't some girl leave harvard to transfer to miami some years ago? well thats what i heard on this board.. it really depends on where you think you'll be most happy :)</p>

<p>What an offensive title. I hope your education will teach you to stop using the word retarded in that sense. DO you know what that word means to families of people labelled mentally retarded or developmentally disabled? Ho would you feel if we substituted for that word any nasty epithet applied to your socioeconomic or ethnic group? </p>

<p>I suspect anyone immature enough to use that word the way you did lacks not just SAT scores (vocab) and grades to get into either WIlliams or Miami but also reasonable teacher and counselor recommendations.</p>

<p>i actually thought it was offensive as well.. as if the poster is labelling UM in some way.. plus my sister IS developmentally disabled..</p>

<p>While maybe a poor choice of words for the title, let's not go overboard. There's way too much PC today and let's not be too strenuous in the attempt to perpetuate it...</p>

<p>yea...lets not be too PC now...he obviously didn't mean to offend anyone and i think that the poster that basically called the OP stupid by saying he wouldn't have the grades and recomendations necessary for W&M or Miami was more offensive</p>

<p>"yea...lets not be too PC now...he obviously didn't mean to offend anyone." -- WHat's offensive is that the OP didn't mean to offend -- OP believes it's fine to use a derogatory term for people with developmental disabilities as a synonym for the word stupid.<br>
Perhaps what puts the correct in PC is that most people believe it IS correct to treat other people with respect and dignity and to speak accordingly.</p>


<p>Too much time.......</p>

<p>You've made your point, don't dog it to death. Start a new thread in the parents forum or try to start a new PC catagory (where frankly a lot of threads could go)</p>

<p>mod team......delete this thread </p>

<p>i made a decision, and it's lost focus anyway</p>

<p>sorry if i offended anyone.</p>

<p>retard is the proper classification of those people technically. society just views the word now as somehow uncivilized.</p>