<p>I'm looking for a college that is strong in academics, specifically physics and math, but has a lot else to offer. Definitely want a fun campus, interesting/diverse people. I could go for a decent amount of parties, people who take academics pretty seriously but aren't afraid to let lose after hours. I can definitely be a slacker myself. I want a fairly attractive campus, or at least don't want myself saying how ugly the people are or where are all the hot girls. I could go for an interesting surrounding area, preferably a nice city with lots to do. I want opportunities around campus to pursue science and math topics. Involved teachers and classes that aren't too big but don't have to be really small. Friendly/nice people on campus. Applying to top colleges in my field has me a little worried about nerdy/techy campuses, I definitely don't want this and want a campus where there are a lot of people who are pursuing different interests. Also a fairly equal number of boys and girls. Good sports teams would be nice. </p>
<p>Anyways thats probably my ideal college scene. How does UChic match up with that? What are things one should worry about or definitely look for if you ever went to visit. What are things that only a person that goes there would really know. Common misconceptions.</p>
<p>Any help would be appreciated since I am trying to cut down on my college applications, and please try to keep the bias to a minimum and don't be vague.</p>