Is UMiami EA my safety? Or should UCSB be my safety?

<p>I'm looking for a solid but fun safety school, and I'm thinking it should be UMiami. I'll also be applying to UC schools, and UCSB being my other option would be more convenient, because I wouldn't have to fill out an entirely new application for UMiami. It's also public and cheaper since I live in CA.</p>

<p>BUT UMiami might be a better school, with more opportunities. Since they're private, I might get very good aid as well. But I definitely only want to apply to one or the other. What do you guys think, should I keep it sweet & simple with UC Santa Barbara as my safety, or should I go out of my way to apply UMiami EA as a more private safety.</p>

<p>Sell me on this! :D</p>

<p>Oh, if stats help, here's</a> a recent chance thread I wrote. Thanks!</p>

<p>I think Miami (and UCSB for that matter) are more like matches than safeties for you, but eh. Miami’s application is easy so it wouldn’t be going out of your way. UCSB is a lot cheaper for you than Miami though…</p>

<p>Looks like you want to go into business. Remember that Miami’s President was able to recruit the head of the Wharton business school a few years back. She also brought along some top notch profs. Miami’s placements and internships for business students are said to be very strong. I would go with Miami.</p>