Is UNC Chapel Hill’s Undergrad Comp Sci Department good or well renowned?

I am deciding whether or not to go, and as someone who is undecided in my major, I want to know if I would have the ability to study in a good comp sci school if I end up being interested.

What are your other choices?

Duke and UMich engineering. I have another post that explains my dilemma in more detail if you want to check it out.

I have never seen a credible ranking of undergraduate computer science programs. The closest will be USNWR graduate ranking. I believe Chapell Hill is around 25th, probably tied or very close to Duke.

Combined with a fairly selective overall undergrad student body, I would say that it will be a good program. Only downside is that without an engineering program. it may not teach you hardware side too well, but that is anyways becoming less and less important for software careers these days.