<p>stereotype the student body please...partiers? conservative?</p>
<p>First off, there is no stereotype. USC has a diverse student body that with the influx of more OOS students each year becomes increasingly more diverse.</p>
<p>USC is very conservative politically (it is after all a true "Southern" school) which also can include a degree of racial insensitivity/deep rooted prejudice in some students (certainly not a majority by any means) that can rear its ugly head from time-to-time.</p>
<p>The Greek system is strong though not as dominant as at some other "Southern" schools like Bama, Ole Miss and Tennessee. By that I mean that not getting into the sorority of your choice isn't a prelude to your life "being ruined" or necessitating a transfer.</p>
<p>The Greek party scene is really all that I am aware of since my D is in a sorority and it is very very active and includes lots of parties.</p>
<p>Hope that helps.</p>