Is Work Experience required for CU Boulder?

If I could find and apply for a job that is hiring, i would. But here’s the thing, I’m an Eagle Scout, I play football, and I have straight A’s for my Junior year for all marking periods so far. But back to the point, because I’m an Eagle Scout, I had to do a lot of volunteer work and service projects, and because I play football, I have practice 5 times a week including games on Friday nights, plus film on Saturday morning. I even don’t even have time to find a job even during the offseason because we have weight lifting during the offseason. Would this drastically affect my college aplication or would University Of Colorado Boulder understand? Thank you for your time.

That won’t affect your application.

You seem to be a very qualified candidate. I do not anticipate you not having WE affecting your application. If you have any questions, message me. SKO BUFFS.