Is WUSTL need blind?

<p>Basically, the title says it all :)</p>

<p>No, they are need aware.</p>

<p>they are need-blind for about 99% of applicants. Near the end, they have to start looking at finances.</p>

<p>musicalscientist has it correct.</p>

<p>I think it is a lot more than 1% that they are needs aware. Like most top needs aware colleges, WashU is going to use its funds on the top students that have need. They are going to look at ability to pay for others. I have heard #s as high as 25% in general for needs aware schools.</p>

<p>^ But WashU is not the typical needs aware school.</p>

<p>^ Is it any different for internationals?</p>

<p>^ It’s a little late, but…I would like to know this too.</p>

<p>Wash U sends a letter out to students who have signed up online (that they are going to apply) in July/Aug that ask if you are going to apply for needs based aid. The fact that they ask for this prior to the application due date tells me they are needs aware.</p>

<p>If you are most likely not going to qualify for needs based aid are your admission chances better if you don’t apply for aid?</p>



<p>I just don’t get this. If a school with WashU’s resources can do need-blind 99%, surely they can do 100% without straining. Yet, they just do ~99% year-after-year because the extra 1% was going break their bank each year? There is gotta be a better explanation.</p>

<p>The 99% figure is totally wrong. Wash U is need aware, end of story.</p>

<p>Thanks, fc!</p>

<p>Yeah, looking back at my old post, I actually have no idea where I got that figure. Sorry about that, guys…</p>