Is your FinAid column blank?

<p>Date Received Document
02-feb-2009 Carnegie Mellon Financial Aid Application
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Signature page of CM Financial Aid Application
Parent/s' Federal Income Tax Return
Parent/s' W-2 Forms
Student's Federal Income Tax Return
i submitted my CMU Findaid App on jan 20th , and FAFSA around the 6th~ then somehow everything was gone. i resubmitted my CMU finaid app, now fafsa doesn't show. should i be worried?(i also made a mini correction in FAFSA, so it should be resubmitted. fafsa confirmed that it was processed,like 2 days ago)</p>

<p>help please~</p>

<p>mine’s blank too, although I’ve completed my FAFSA and sent many other stuffs.</p>

<p>^ are u worried? cuz im abit, lol…
wat should we do!! CMU app has too many probs!</p>