Isee school help!!!

<p>My daughter did well in the math section of her isee test but had one bad score on her (VR). She got two 9's in both her math. The (RC) was a decent 7 but then in (VR) she only recieved a 5. I am wondering how that affect her chances of getting in to a top notch private school? I would be less worried if she had a high percentile rank but it was a 42%. Meaning more than half of the students her age got higher than her.
More Info:
She took the lower level Isee test and is applying for 6 grade.
The test is for 5th and 6th graders and so I'm wondering if the precentile number includes the 5h graders?</p>

<p>wrong forum… try posting in an accurate one</p>

<p>We had a similar experience with our son’s ISEE scores, and he also took the lower level and is applying for 6th grade. . . . Although I cannot answer your question definitively, I can tell you that those scores are not compared with students applying for 5th grade- the scores are reflective of only other students applying for 6th as your daughter is.
Our hope is that the AO’s would see this singular low score as more of an “outlier” and not use it to immediately exclude him from the candidate pool, especially since we had other scores in RC to counter the weak ISEE score, but we remain concerned as it sounds like you are.
Do you mind if I ask what schools your daughter is applying to? That may be helpful.</p>

De La Salle</p>

<p>Hi, I know this is a post from last year. but now we are in the same exact situation.
Do you mind sharing if your daughter got into her desired school?
My son is a very strong student, academically, very nice rec. letters from his teachers & had a great interview. but I’m worried about his Isee scores. 9,9,6 & 5.</p>