Issues with adding a minor?

<p>I’m going for the PPEL major, but I am really wanting to add Architecture History and Theory as a minor. I e-mailed the advisor, and she said it was currently down, but they should be adding it again soon, and for now I should just enroll in ARC 231. However, the class is only offered in the Fall, and there is only one section offered. I would have to take the class between two others, so I guess my question is would I be able to get from Gittings to Harvill in ten minutes? What about Harvill to the ILC? The class in Gittings is Introduction to Ballet, so would I need to allow for time to change my clothing? Would 18 credits be to much for me to take on in my first semester? (I’m used to a pretty heavy workload in high school.) Also, If I decide it’s not feasible to start right now, would it be to late to start a minor in sophomore year?</p>

<p>“would I be able to get from Gittings to Harvill in ten minutes?”</p>

<p>Probably if you hustled, but it would be easier to get a bike, scooter, or skateboard.</p>

<p>What about Harvill to the ILC?</p>

<p>That would be doable on foot.</p>

<p>“so would I need to allow for time to change my clothing?”</p>

<p>I see a lot of dance people wearing sweats probably due to the clothing issue. This really seems like a personal issue though.</p>

<p>“Would 18 credits be to much for me to take on in my first semester?”</p>

<p>I wouldn’t recommend it because the first semester of college is filled with awesome social opportunities. I’m not sure if you’d want to miss those if at all possible. However, if you are a good schedule juggler and don’t have to work, it would be manageable. </p>

<p>“If I decide it’s not feasible to start right now, would it be to late to start a minor in sophomore year?” </p>

<p>You could conceivably start on your minor senior year if you wanted.</p>

<p>(Bit late on the reply but oh well someone might find it useful)</p>

<p>“Probably if you hustled, but it would be easier to get a bike, scooter, or skateboard.”</p>

<p>I’ve got scars that show biking around campus is the better method of transport. Everything except the mall is either rough, cracked, or potholed.</p>

<p>Re: 18 credits freshman year. HS and Univ. are light-years apart in terms of difficulty. Put it like this: I do more work now in a semester than I probably did in a year of HS honors and AP’s. As a senior I could easily do 18 credits of freshman classes without hardly breaking a sweat, but for freshman, freshman classes are hard because your minds aren’t geared for Univ. level work and environment.</p>

<p>I’d sign up for 18 though. Get a feel for them and drop 1 class which you think you’d suck the most.</p>