It's a Small UA-CC World!

<p>ShamrockDad and I just realized our daughters are both juniors working in Dr. Earley’s research lab. They also both currently plan on pursuing a Ph.D. in genetics/genomics. </p>

<p>Abby’s always amazed when I end up knowing parents of some of her classmates through CC.</p>

<p>My kids were also amazed that I do as well…and I have known some of their classmates through CC. </p>

<p>Do y’all remember KrazySpaghetti? Her mom is MomofFour (or something like that). I knew both from CC…getting Krazy to come to Bama from Calif (over UCLA) was awesome! Krazy ended up being the team-leader for my son’s Alabama Action in Costa Rica trip…she had gone the previous year and returned as a student leader. Son became good friends with her and one day they were texting and son mentioned this girl from Calif, and I realized it was Krazy. We all had a good laugh. Krazy’s younger brother will be coming to Bama this fall.</p>

<p>My son and Proudmama3’s son will be suitemates next year. We had nothing to do with it. They’re friends, just coincidence that their parents hang out here.</p>

<p>Sons of slippy2000 and TerryTw are also suitemates, though I think that was arranged by the parents (correct me if wrong).</p>

<p>Another frequent poster here, researching for her daughter (who chose another school), turned out to be one of my neighbors. We had never met, though we have common friends. We’re a thousand miles away from UA.</p>

<p>My H coached and my son played with with Dad2IL’s nephews in floor hockey most every Friday night during grade school for 8 years. </p>

<p>One CC mom lives in the town where I went to HS. Not only do we have a huge circle of mutual friends but she was in the car ahead of our class float during our reunion/homecoming parade.</p>

<p>Malanai once posted a photo on FB that my extended cousin from Nashville liked. Turns out she is friends with his D’s boyfriend who was tagged in the photo. </p>

<p>Nothing will ever be as mind-blowing though as when NRDMOM posted her son’s room number on housing selection day. It was my son’s room number as well! My poor son who said he was taking care of everything and that I would never need to talk to any of the other parents in his room…</p>

<p>Speaking of Dad2IL, when our D’s were interviewing for CBHP, we had tried to get them to meet and possibly room together. Timing did not work at that time but guess who will be rooming together in the fall? Small world!</p>

<p>I’m waiting for the first marriage between two UA CCer’s kids. ;:wink: </p>

<p>Add my DD to the list of juniors in Dr. Earley’s lab!</p>

<p>Note to Newbies: Do not post your kid’s room number on CC. Sigh. I will never forget my mortification - mostly because Class2012 won’t let me.</p>

<p>That being said, I would do it again just to hear her horrified gasp all the way from Chicago.</p>

<p>My daughter is a freshman this year and lives next door to Slippy’s son. They’ve been dating for six months now.</p>

<p>The future Mrs. Junior Slippy! Bless her heart! :x </p>

<p>How do jayhawks and elephants get along? ;)</p>

<p>My son and Slippy’s son roomed together at BB.</p>



<p>And they’ll raise little Bama fans…lol…much to Slippy’s undelight.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>