It's Friday

<p>You know what that means. ACT updates the website on Wednesdays and Fridays, so maybe the scores will be up tomorrow. There's no bulletin on the website, but I'm sure they'll do it. What do you think the chances are scores will be up tomorrow? I've got my hopes up!</p>

<p>get your hopes back down lol.</p>

<p>Bush was so sure there were wmd's, and look how that turned out.</p>

<p>maybe the scores will be up monday...???</p>

<p>come on guys, don't crush my hopes lol. i think i got my score sunday night in february and that was my first try</p>

<p>Be patient. lulz</p>

<p>They should be up starting on Monday.</p>

<p>but i want them noooooow! lol</p>

<p>If I were in charge of putting up scores, I'd make it so that everyone had a composite score of 12 or something, then change it on the release date. Everyone who used the hack to get their scores would freak out lol.</p>