<p>I'm done with tests. I bid all of you fine CC'ers adieu as I finalize my college applications and put all of this commotion behind me. </p>
<p>I'm done with tests. I bid all of you fine CC'ers adieu as I finalize my college applications and put all of this commotion behind me. </p>
<p>Ditto. </p>
<p>I’m out.</p>
<p>agreed.I believe I achieved my goal of bringing up my writing and I’m very pleased with the result.</p>
<p>And Arachnotron your 2360 is already an extremely good score good luck in college apps :P</p>
<p><em>sigh</em> The road to college acceptance has just started for me.
However that December SAT wasn’t too bad for a first time.</p>
<p>FREEDOM! (Oh, wait… I still have college apps to do, homework to complete, etc. and the list goes on and on)</p>
<p>Good luck with everything!!</p>
<p>…One more year left for me…</p>