I've got into Krannert School of Management!

<p>I applied in the mid of December. Here are my stats</p>

<p>Asian Male (Korean Immigrant)
Resident in North Carolina</p>

<p>*First-Generation College Student, Minority,</p>

<p>ACT - 26</p>

<p>SAT - Never taken</p>

<p>9th - 2.9/3.125 (2 C's)
10th - 3.5/4.0 (skipped 2nd semester of school due to surgeries, brain tumors and complications)
11th - 3.5/4.6 (a C)</p>

<p>(Cumulative 3.2/3.9)</p>

<p>my rank is 234/562 (Top 40% expecting to go up to 25% after 1st semester of senior year)
Classes taken during junior year</p>

<p>AP comparative Government : A
Law and Justice honors : A
Pre-Calculus honors : A
Chemistry honors : B
Spanish 3 honors : B
English 3 honors : C (doggone it.. )
Algebra 2 Honors : A
US History Honors : A</p>

<p>Classes for Senior year</p>

<p>AP Biology
AP American Government
Honors English 4
Teacher's cadet
Spanish 4 honors</p>

<p>Extracurricular activities :</p>

<p>I did a lot of extracurricular activities, but purdue's online application screwed me up, so it wouldn't let me add them. My application was complete without any ECs. Oh well, I still got in.</p>


<p>Good luck y'all</p>

<p>congrats, get used to long walks to the krannert building fresh/soph year though</p>

<p>Congrats...saw a news clip that Krannert is now ranked number 1</p>

<p>I'm sorry, but where the HELL did you see that "news clip"?</p>

<p>lol...I doubt it's #1, but it's not bad at all (maybe top 15 or 20 business program?)</p>

<p>Krannert may not be #1, but it's a very good business school. I think overall at the graduate level, it's about 19th nationally. It's something like 15 to 20 at the undergraduate level.</p>

<p>Congratulations to you, krngovernator.</p>

<p>According to business week... purdue is ranked in the 60's ranks... out of like 90...Northern Illinois University is actually within 4 spots of it. of course upenn is 1</p>

<p>^^that's true. USNews ranks it between 15 and 20 on their business rankings though....weird</p>

<p>Congrats on getting into an outrageously easy business program ;)</p>

<p>Once the korean influence gets a hold of ya, say goodbye to your gpa.</p>