I've only taken foreign language for one year am I screwed?

The OP still has 2 years left, why can’t he or she take (at least) one more year of foreign language between now and then? Or take a class thru a high school online class, or thru community college? What am I missing here?

The program I’m in from what I see is a mixture of both. For instance, it teaches you skills that would make you employable in the future if you were to only complete highschool and they also put the emphasis on going to college.

I didn’t choose that business program instead of my foreign language requirement. My school is broken up into different academies (programs) that major in different electives for different fields. The program I’m in requires that I only take a year of foreign language than the program I’m in replaces that foreign language with a business program(I didn’t choose to opt out of foreign language)

Then you need to learn how to self advocate.

@TheroadtoNYU, what grade are you going to in the fall? If you are a rising junior, on track to receive an advanced regents diploma, then let your GC know that you want to pursue an advanced regents diploma.

The reason you may not be programmed for foreign language is that you may not be on track to get an advanced regents diploma and they want to save the seats for students who are on track to get an advanced regents.

You need 7 electives in order to graduate. Your school is using the business strand in order for you to get those electives credits.

Trust and believe that there are students who are taking foreign language and are on track to get an advanced regents diploma. I would find it hard to believe that there are no students in any of the houses at your school are pursuing an advanced regents diploma.

How many regents have you passed already, what is your overall GPA. If you are a rising junior, with algebra+ geometry regents in addition to 2 science regents under your belt I wonder why you have not been programmed for Foreign language to get an advanced regents diploma. Are you college ready in Math?

I see from your post that you asked about College Now. Have you met the regents and gpa requirement for college now at your 4-year college now partner. Are you college ready in ELA and Math? Does your school take the ELA regents junior year?

Have there been other students from your house who have been admitted/accepted to NYU? This is a question for your GC.

I’m a rising Junior and my school’s program is CTE based, so I don’t have to take the Spanish Regents to graduate with an Advanced Regents Dimpola. From what I see I’m college ready in math since I’ve gotten an 80+ on both of the regents I’ve taken. For ELA I’m definitely college ready since I’ve gotten a 99 on it which I took sophomore year. I met the requirements for CollegeNow and a few of my relatives have gotten accepted to NYU, but they were international applications.

It sounds like the OP is in a program that isn’t designed for selective/highly selective colleges. If this is the desire of the OP, they need to really look at their program. There may be more than the foreign language deficiency in the program. .

Additionally, not taking a foreign language after freshman year is programmed for all students in my academy(program) and getting an advanced regents dimpola in my school is considered necessary with even special education students not being able to opt out.

Take foreign language through CollegeNow - you should start at level 1 but completing level 2 akd 3 at the college level (or college level 2 at a minimum) would meet requirements for all colleges. Because college language cases go faster with they’re more intense, but you will meet your requirements in two or three semesters instead of two years.
However based on what you say, your academy isn’t really what selective colleges want to see.
For the record, this is what selective colleges expect:

  • 4 years of English preferably honors and/or AP Language and/or AP lit (or their CollegeNow equivalent)
  • Math through precalculus (honors?) Or calculus
  • Living environments, physical science, plus two from Honors science, APES, AP Bio, AP chemistry, AP physics 1.
  • Foreign language through level 3,4, or AP (or CollegeNow equivalent)
  • World history (preferably honors/AP), us history (preferably honors/AP), one more (such as Economics, Government, Psychology, European History… )
  • one unit of art (recommended)

Can you switch to an Academy that is closer to this profile?

What % students from your academy not only attend college, but a 4-year college? What percentage attend a selective 4-year colleges? Private colleges such as NYU?

Thanks for the clarification that your school looks for students to achieve the requirements for a CTE, so that you will still get an advanced regents diploma and are exempted from taking the 6 credits in FL. Again, this is where your counselor or whoever writes your school profile comes into play. In your profile they state that the requirements for students getting an advanced regents diploma via CTE. In your demographics they may even include what % of students at your school graduate with an advanced regents diploma.
You should definitely look to see what your college now partner offers (as some colleges will offer foreign language- literature). Are you taking college now courses this fall. I would recommend looking up your school’s college now partner to see if the deadline has not passed for you to take courses in the fall. You can probably send an email to your college now liaison. If it is not too late apply, go to where ever your school is having summer school to get your transcript sent to your college now partner.

Absolutely not true. An advanced regents diploma requires 3 years of math; algebra/geometry/trig and passing the regents (minimum score of 85 for mastery in mathematics) or alternative (AP /IB/ SAT score) minimum of 2 sciences (3 with a regents grade of 85+ for mastery in science), English , Social studies, and the CTE requirement is a minimum of 5-7 courses culminating in passing test at the end based on what the CTE is,( it could be licensure, it could be APs ex. computer science)

There are students who get an Arts endorsement (not unusual for students who attend LaGuardia, Talent Unlimited, Reparatory, Frank Sinatra), who do not take foreign language because all of their elective courses are in their craft (music, dance, theatre, etc). It does not hurt them in getting into selective colleges; Ivies, Tisch School of the Arts (NYU), etc.

There are schools where students get an advanced regents diploma based on completing requirements for a CTE (students at HS for Fashion Industries) and it does not hurt them in the college process.

@MYOS1634 ,

OP does not simply get to take foreign language at college now. In fact there are very few if any foreign language courses offered through college now. When they are offered they are literature courses, most times given in English. The college now partner decides what they are going to offer each term as students are only allowed to take one course with a 12 credit College Now max at CUNY

Some schools will do foreign language through i-learn. The challenge is funding: if the foreign language teacher will oversee the course (this is usually a per session job) or the school does not have the funding to purchase the licenses per student, then they may not be able to do it.

Many selective colleges won’t see cte as a proper substitute for foreign language, especially since we’re not talking advanced programming, specialized school’s performing arts or pltw here but “business electives”.

If op can switch academies for a more academically rigorous one, it may be the easiest solution.
If CollegeNow can’t be used then ilearn/online learning (which op has said IS available) should be seriously discussed.

Switching academies will most likely not be an option as students are usually placed during the application process, when they apply to specific programs. Schools know that sometimes students will apply to a non popular program as a back door to get into a school, especially a competing screened program that is also housed in the school. Now if yo are accepted into a program as an incoming 9th grader, you stay in the program.

Seems odd that the school would limit foreign language courses to level 1 if it expects students in the program to go on to more selective colleges.


make SURE that the colleges you do apply to DON’T require students to show mastery in a Foreign language [, which can often be met by scoring a 4-5 on an AP test] OR taking 2+ years of FL IN COLLEGE, in order to graduate.
Otherwise you could spend lots of time taking FL classes, in addition to the classes you want or need to take, in order to get a degree.
Look under graduation requirements when researching individual colleges.

As I stated earlier, it is not going to be held against OP if he cannot take foreign language. Students even in business CTEs still go to selective colleges.


I think some respondents are assuming facts not in evidence; While the OP has NYU is the username (which does ask for 3 years of FL), we do not know what other colleges s/he is targeting. What we do know based on other posts is that the OP has a 3.6 GPA, which may limit how selective a college to target.

If op does not get into a selective school it will not be because of a lack of foreign language.

^ given the extreme competition for selective colleges , I find that a little hard to believe.
Selective colleges have so many “qualified” applicants these days, they are forced to find a reason or reasons to deny most student applications.

Maybe I’m missing something here? I’m under the impression that most “somewhat” selective (not talking top-tier but maybe top-60 to- 200) colleges require or strongly prefer at least two years of FL. Am I wrong about that? Many students with a 3.6 average would be eligible for those schools…(if you don’t believe me, check out the Parents of the H.S, class of ____:3.0-3.4 GPA threads and see where these students are admitted. Where except on CC would a 3.6 GPA not be a good GPA? Maybe not for NYU and its ilk, but fine for many schools that would expect two years of FL.

The OP will only have 1 year of FL, not 2 when he graduates.