<p>uhhhhhhhh I need help...I want to be a doctor and i have heard that the undergraduate college you go to doesnt matter. As long as I have a high gpa and high MCAT scores I heard that I could go to as good of a medical school as someone who attended an ivy. Is that true?? Any help would be appreciated</p>
<p>State School's might attend
-Wright State University (OH)
-University of Dayton (OH)</p>
<p>Ivy League school's...if I get in :)
<p>If you are aiming for a top 20 medical school,like Vanderbilt, it does matter where you went for your undergraduate education. It is unusual to see current medical students that I meet come from 3rd or 4th tier schools. A very high number are Ivy and top 30 school grads. Vanderbilt is extremely committed to racial and ethnic diversity in its medical school and close to 40% of current students are students of color as well as international students.</p>
<p>This means if you actually have the stats to get into an Ivy, so too will you be competitive with your fellow in-state pre-meds, and you will not find it that difficult to get into medical school.</p>
<p>Do you want to start out Med. School with huge UG loan?<br>
Everybody’s situation is different. Our goal is to help D thru Med. school, so she is pre-med at state college. If you have unlimited resources and very sure to make very good GPA at Ivy, why not? Other note, #1 from our private well known HS school last year was not accepted to Yale, she is at Harvard now. The best of luck, whatever you decide!</p>
<p>Well over 50% of students who plan to be premeds in college change their mind during freshman year. Keep that in mind when making your decision.</p>
<p>A lot of them change their mind becuase of weed out science classes. It makes it very important to evaluate your ability before deciding which school to attend. I am not talking about average kids, generally speaking most pre-meds are well above students</p>
<p>If you are really of Ivy caliber, you will attend neither an Ohio State school, nor Dayton. For you, college isn’t like the local Jr. College, someplace you go to get your “Pre-med out of the way”. Do you really want to be marking time for four years, while you could have been at an Ivy League school? For classmates, you’d trade the brightest most talented students from around the country, for above average students from the local area? You’d give up forever your Ivy League undergraduate credential, that would be with you at every step in your medical career, from residency, and fellowship to later in your medical professional milieu. </p>
<p>Look at [the</a> 25-75% SAT’s](<a href=“College Navigator - Compare Institutions”>College Navigator - Compare Institutions), the top 75% at Dayton and Miami-Ohio (Ohio’s top public college), doesn’t overlap the bottom 25% at Dartmouth/Yale. Miami admits 75%, Dayton 82%, of its applicants. If you are really Ivy material you’d feel out of place at these Ohio schools in an instant, and the irritation would only mount with each semester. You’ll be in the dorm room, a cacophony of drunken revelry outside in the hall, and from your drawer you’ll musingly take out the acceptance letter from Dartmouth, and weep.</p>
<p>JW Muller,
So not true. How you can call #1 ranked kids from private schools with very top scores, who actually got invitations to apply from Harvard, Princeton, etc. not true Ivy caliber? If not them, then who are? Honors progrmas at those schools that you mentioned basically consist of kids like this. I do not know if there is anybody who was not valedictorian in Honors dorms. Have you visited or just making theories?</p>
<p>Your list seriously lacks schools in the middle. If you have the stats to get into an Ivy, you could get merit money at schools like Wooster, Denison, Wittenberg; you could get into Oberlin or Kenyon; you could get into the Honors program at Ohio State.</p>
<p>*Have you visited or just making theories? *</p>
<p>I started out at a low end State school, and transferred to a HYPSM as a sophomore, and have lived the difference. I also attended Summer School at Ohio State. My S is in an Honors program and living on an Honors floor at a UC. I’ve also experienced how an HYPSM undergraduate degree adds luster to the M.D. degree. So no, I’m not making theories.</p>
<p>Does HYPSM recommend all students for medical school or only the top ones? An Ivy qualified student might get glowing recommendations from professors at a LAC with a good pre-med program (Juniata, Ursinus), opportunities for research, but just be one of the crowd at HYPSM, and therefore not have the same opportunities. I have talked to grads of those schools who said if you the cream of the crop there, it can’t be beat. But if you’re just another smart one, because yes they are all smart, you would be better off being a star somewhere else.</p>
<p>Those “invitations” are just mass mailings, sent out to huge numbers of students whose names were obtained from the PSAT or other standardized tests. You don’t have to be particularly outstanding to obtain one.</p>
<p>They aren’t good for much except lining bird cages.</p>
<p>OP, if I were you, I would ask schools you are interested in what their percentages for getting into medical school are and what the requirements are for recommendation. I don’t know how valuable the Ruggs Recommendations book is, but there is a section on best schools for pre-med, with several being in the Ohio area. In my opinion, I would stay away from Wright State if you are Ivy League material.</p>
<p>If you know you are set on being a doctor and are qualified, check out the programs for combined BS/MD, of which there are several in Ohio. You can find many references to those on CC. good luck</p>
<p>My son attended UNC on a Morehead Scholarship after turning down Yale and other elite schools. This was before Yale and other Ivies changed their FA programs to meet the needs of more students. He knew he wanted med school and decided that graduating debt free was not a bad option.</p>
<p>He is currently an MS1 at a top ten Med school. His classmates include students from very small private Christian colleges that I had never heard of in the Midwest, several other flagship state universities, and places like Harvard, Columbia, Yale, Stanford, Princeton and Johns Hopkins among the 65 undergraduate schools represented in his first year class.</p>
<p>On the other hand, he has several friends who attended Harvard and Yale undergrad who are now at one of the lesser state med schools here in Texas, meaning they didn’t get into Baylor, UT Southwestern or even UT Houston and one would have to assume no other other “top” out of state med schools as well.</p>
<p>My point in all this is that there is no certainty that an Ivy undergrad degree will necessarily get you into a top med school just as there is no certainty that attending a flagship public school or even small private school will keep you from being accepted into a top med school. The Ivy degree may and I repeat may give you a bump in some cases but it is still ALL about the applicants’ science and overall GPAs, stellar MCATs, medical related ECs and letters of recommendation just to get the interview. After that, the interviews can still make or break an applicant’s chances. Every year there are numerous applicants with 4.0 GPAs and 40 plus MCATs who don’t get into med school; there are no guarantees.</p>
<p>You know, I thought I had read the number of people interested in medicine and becoming doctors had declined due to the threat of malpractice and the extensive work hours. But apparently there isn’t that much of a decline if such qualified kids on paper don’t get in.</p>
<p>My S is having a great time at his University of California campus, he is doing great, and he likes being in the Honors program and on the Honors floor. I don’t think, however, that he deludes himself that being in the Honors program makes his experience comparable to being at Yale.</p>