Ivy League physics grad schools

<p>I am a senior undergraduate in Canada, where a grade point of 4.30 or 4.33 is given for A+s.
(My school, Simon Fraser University, gives 4.33)</p>

<p>My CGPA is slightly above 4.0.</p>

<p>Can anyone tell me rougly how high I would have to score on the GRE gen/sub
(or at least the percentiles) to get into the physics programs of the Ivy League schools?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>I could only find the GRE info for one school. The average Quantitative was 777, and the average Verbal was 588.</p>

<p>research matters 100 times more than GRE - it's assumed that people will have very high quant scores and verbal scores don't really matter. The GRE won't "get you in" anywhere, but it can keep you out if you completely bomb it</p>

<p>Good point. Here's advice I got. It's for biology, but still insightful.</p>



