January 2007 SAT

<p>Yeah, I'm sure we're all ****ed about the December 2005 test repeat. But what can we do about it? Anyway, what's a projected score for:</p>

<p>Critical Reading: 5-8 wrong
Math: 1-2 wrong
Writing: 1-2 wrong, 12 essay</p>


<p>that wud be still be 2250+ Alfred</p>

<p>im estimating
6 wrong for reading
0 wrong for math
8 on essay and 6 wrong on writing
what score will that get? thx</p>

<p>how about
4-5 wrong on CR
3-4 Wrong on Math
0-3 with an 11-12 essay on Writing</p>

Cr - 720-730
Math - 800 (you knew that much)
Writing 710-720
So 2230-2250 i'd guess.</p>

2200 - 2240</p>

<p>Good Luck</p>

<p>thanks empire_'12 :) i was shooting for 2200</p>

<p>I hate to ask a pretty ridiculous question, but what are the chances that -2 CR and -1-2/12 Writing will still allow for 800s?</p>

<p>I'm guessing:</p>

<p>0-3 wrong on Writing (with 10-12 essay)
5-6 wrong on Math (I left 2 blank)
7-10 wrong on CR :(</p>

<p>id guess about 90% Arthur.</p>

<p>can someone calculate mine? :) its above MNOAAA12's last post.</p>

<p>Thanks MNOAAA, that makes me feel a little better. That CR is still gonna worry me for a couple of weeks, though. =P. I feel so petty.</p>


<p>some one calculate mine?</p>

<p>CR omit 5 miss 8
Math miss 0
Writing miss 4-5 essay 11</p>

<p>will it be 2100+ ? thx!</p>

<p>here's what i predict:</p>

<p>2 wrong on math
5 wrong on cr
0/1 wrong on writing w/ 10-12 essay</p>

math 770
CR 740
Writing 770</p>

<p>thanks arklogic but do u really think 1 wrong on MC writing w/ 10 on essay would be only 770? :(.....just asking</p>

<p>^ last year when my friend took the sat she made an 800 with an 8 essay and a perfect 49 so iono......</p>

<p>What's a general estimate for an essay that filled both pages (all the lines) with a standard 4-paragraph structure?</p>

<p>probably a 10</p>

<p>Here are my estimates:
CR: 1 blank, 3 wrong
M: 2 wrong
W: 0/1 wrong, 10 essay</p>


<p>Math: 0 wrong
CR: 4-6 wrong
Writing: 2-4 wrong, 10 essay</p>
