Java Source Code for Word Search

<p>does anybody have some java source code for a simple word search. anything would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>can you describe the format of the problem? Like only across, down, diagonal?</p>

<p>if its just searching through an array of words, you can use a simple linear search or binary search.</p>

<p>I am guessing it is a 2d array of characters. Hmmm.... all sorts of techniques come to mind. If you want to be very clever, you can do bitmanipulation and have super fast code. You would have to study rotated bitboards for diagonals though...</p>

<p>yes only across, down, and diagonal. i really don't know how to write it so any help i really need it. you would need to input the characters yourself and read the file in or something. if you want the specific requirements please message me or something</p>