I recently just got my info for my in-person audition for Jeopardy Teen Tournament next month. I was just wondering if anyone has been to one of these and can tell me what it’s like? What’s the whole process and everything, and what are my chances of actually making it? Thanks in advance!
I got one too! (NY) My mom had an audition as well a few months back, and she said it roughly goes like this: You get there and there’s around 50 other people. First, they give you a written test, which is the most important part of the audition. It’s a lot harder than both what you took to get the audition and what you see on TV. Next, they kind of have a simulation of the game with just a few people at a time, more to make sure that if you make it you’re fit for camera and have good energy and answers to the questions. That’s basically it, I think it takes less than two hours total. After you audition you’re in the contestant pool for 18 months. I’m not sure exactly what this means, since they shoot a season in around a month – maybe you’re eligible for more than one season after auditioning? However, for teens, I’m pretty sure we’re removed from the contestant pool once we turn 18 (for me that’s in September, which sucks). The odds of getting on to the Teen Tournament are both better and worse than with the adults in a few ways. There are fewer people taking the test, so technically there is less competition. However, the Teen Tournament is much shorter, so they pick way fewer people to actually get on the show. Unless you have an amazing audition, sadly I wouldn’t get my hopes up.
@tarantinq As for the contestant pool, I emailed them and they said that the online test is only used for the upcoming teen tournament which will be filmed in April and broadcast in July. For any subsequent teen tournaments prior to us turning 18, we would have to redo the audition process.
My audition city is Detroit.
@Motodile @2019hs Have you guys had your auditions yet? How did they go? I got a minimum of 41/50 and a max of 44/50 on the written test, but I can’t remember the other three I guessed on.
I took the test, but filled out I was doing it for fun since the closest audition city is 11/12 hours away:(
@tarantinq I had my audition on Saturday. The test I think I probably got 40/50, but its not really a big deal because I heard it was just to make sure you didn’t cheat on the online test. I had a lot of fun but I’m not gonna get my hopes up because my interview and game could’ve gone a lot better. I was in the first group so I was so nervous.
@Motodile I’ve never heard that, but that’s interesting. I think I assumed the written part mattered more than the audition itself so I didn’t put a lot of effort into the interview. I was in the first group, too, though, so I was also pretty nervous. Which city was your audition in?
@tarantinq I was in NY.