JHU BME vs. Harvey Mudd vs. MIT

<p>I've been really torn between these three schools, and at this point I'm not really leaning toward any school. Of these three, I've only visited hmc, and I LOOOVED it there. I'll be visiting JHU in about a week (not during SOHOP, unfortunately), but based on what I have read and heard from people who have gone there, I think it also has the type of people and school culture that I want. MIT is the school that I won't be able to visit at all, but it'll be challenging academically obviously (though I think all three schools would be equally challenging academically) and from what I've read (I follow the blogs religiously), it also seems like a school in which I would be really happy! </p>

<p>I keep making pros and cons lists for each school, but I really can't decide. I'm ~90% sure I want to study bio/biomedical engineering, and I know that both MIT and JHU are top tops for that particular major. Hmc is also amazing in engineering, though I'm not sure how I would go about pursuing a specific type of engineering since they only have general engineering (I know that they have more focused classes for different types of engineering, but I'm not sure I love that yet). One of my concerns is teacher quality/dedication to undergrads. Obviously all the professors at hmc are completely dedicated to undergrads, or else they wouldn't be there, and I've heard a lot of really awesome things about their professors. I've read a lot of student opinions of jhu and mit profs too, though mostly from blogs affiliated with the schools, so obviously those are biased (though I'm not saying they're automatically untrue). </p>

<p>I also like the size of all the schools. I feel like an advantage of hmc or jhu is that there are a lot of different people with different interests or majors with whom I could learn/be friends (jhu because it's not specifically a STEM school and hmc because of the awesome consortium, and because it's a LAC). I've read mixed opinions on MIT, with some saying that there are some really diverse interests, and other saying that people don't value the humanities/social sciences nearly as much at MIT). I have also read about the supposed "cutthroatness" at MIT and JHU, but I have friends who are at both schools that say they don't feel it, or that the schools are only as cut-throat as you want them to be (like if you yourself don't share/make an effort to help and learn with others, of course others will be the same way). I love all these schools and I feel like I would hate turning down any of them! :( Thoughts? Help me choose?</p>

<p>I have a sibling who is at MIT now just to give you my perspective. I would decide whether or not you want to go to med school after college.<br>
If you do- JHU BME FTW
If you don’t- MIT</p>

<p>I just dont see HMC offering you enough specialization in what you want to study. Although, I’m an east coaster so take my opinion with a grain of salt.</p>