Job Placement

<p>Hi, I'm a Northwestern Econ student considering transferring to UM or Emory to be close to home in Ft. Lauderdale and have not crappy weather. I'm kinda scared though that if I transfer to UM it'll be impossible to get a good ibanking or consulting job. What's job placement like? Does career services help? Does one have to be at the top of the class to get a good job? Thanks.</p>

<p>Job placement is amazing! The Toppel Career Center is ranked amongst the top 25 job placement agencies in the country. I'm an International Finance and Marketing major at UM and have heard of wonderful things as far as job placement. However, I plan on getting my MBA from one of the top graduate business schools like Uchicago or Kellogg at NU or Wharton.</p>

<p>emory's job placement is MUCH is ranked 52nd nationally, emory is ranked 17th nationally, with their undergraduate business program ranked 5th.</p>