job prospect for civil and general engineering.

<p>I am an undergrad in civil. I've heard the current job prospect for civil engineering isn't looking very good, especially in the structural side. So I am tempting to switch out. I was equally interested in mechanical and civil, however, my gpa wasn't good enough to get into mechanical. So instead I am considering transfer into general engineering with a secondary field in Automotive Engineering or Robotics. Which one has better job prospect (civil or general engineering)?
Like I said, I am interested in both of these engineering disciplines, I am looking to compare which one has better job prospect.</p>

<p>Is here another field of engineering that is similar to MechE, that I can look into?</p>

<p>Another question: If I choose to stay in civil, which primary field has better job prospect (structural, geotech, environmental, construction management..etc) ?</p>

<p>By the way, I attend the University of Illinois.</p>