Job prospect outside of Wisconsin

<p>What are the job prospects outside of the Wisconsin area? I do not plan on living in Wisconsin after I graduate with Economic.</p>

<p>Many–maybe half at times of UW grads head out of state for jobs. Especially true in the business/econ areas as WI is not a big state for high finance and business. many head to Chicago, Minny, and the coasts. The recent UW SOB placement reports shows over 60% take jobs outside WI. Econ uses the SOB office plus has their own which might have more info for you.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks, barrons.</p>

<p>Does anyone have anything else to add?</p>

<p>There are plenty of UW alumni all over the country- obviously many have chosen to go elsewhere after graduation. UW is a known factor many places because of this. Therefore, do not worry about being able to get a job outside the state or midwest.</p>

<p>“Minny”? I believe you mean Minneapolis/St. Paul, aka the Twin Cities. The only “Minny” I know is in a relationship with Mickey and splits time between Florida and California (yes, I know she spells it differently than you did, but can’t imaging what else you might mean…).</p>

<p>Yes Minny. You are not Frisco. And you need two cities to have twins. You have 1.5 at best.</p>

<p>No one I know of uses that word for the twin cities area, barrons. Not a local usage familiar to WI or MN residents to my knowledge back when friends were there, several years ago when many from our area were there or now with a relative there. I would write Mpls as shorthand.</p>

<p>It’s the common nickname for it on the Badger sports boards. Probably because Paris of the Prairie is too long. Also subtle way to tweak the uppity Minnytons and Goofer fans.</p>

<p>[Urban</a> Dictionary: Minny](<a href=“]Urban”>Urban Dictionary: Minny)</p>

<p>In Wisconsin most people would say “the Twin Cities.” People from MN say “the Cities.” MPLS or MSP work as shorthand.</p>

<p>In any case, UW has an amazing alumni network. You should have no trouble making connections wherever you want to go.</p>

<p>The sports boards do not represent the majority of the people. That is transferring from a website, not actual first hand knowledge.</p>



<p>Didn’t say anything about “Frisco”. I live in the smaller of the cities. Are you being intentionally insulting?</p>

<p>From here his tone reads more like good natured ribbing of a rival. Barrons certainly has contributed enough to this forum to give her/him the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe I am misreading your tone and you are merely returning the good natured ribbing.</p>

<p>I have a few posts of my own and am familiar with barrons. His follow up to my first comment on it wasn’t exactly “good natured ribbing”. Merely an insult to one of the more stable economic areas of the region and signficant empoyer of U of W grads.</p>

<p>I value your contributions here, intparent. No offense intended whatsoever.</p>

<p>Just looked up “minny” reference- it is for the state, not the city and not liked by the residents per the Urban Dictionary. An insult to those in our area.</p>

<p>Circling back to the OP’s question, the two states from which the majority of UW’s out of state students come are home to the largest and most dynamic job markets in the Midwest in Chicago and the Twin Cities. </p>

<p>Otherwise, UW has among the largest number of living alumni and, as previously mentioned, there are active alumni chapters across the country. With so many UW grads, a Wisconsin degree would presumably be a known quantity.</p>