<p>I'd really appreciate any feedback. This year I only plan to apply to one school, SAIS, as I'm still waiting/hoping my wife and mine's Peace Corps dream will work out.</p>
<p>-I graduated in May 07 from a mediocre state school in texas.
-UGPA: 3.2
-Classes that the adcom may care about: F in pre-cal freshman year; B in Macro freshman year; A's in International Trade, Comparative Economic Systems, Negotiations/Conflict Management, International Relations, and quantitative methods.
-GMAT: 660 (mainly due to a strong quantitative score)
-Work experience: 1 year (2 years by matriculation) as a International Trade Consultant with one of the big four accounting firms.
-Fluent Spanish (family from Argentina and I studied in Barcelona during undergrad).</p>
<p>Do I even have a prayer? Tips would also be great :-) </p>
<p>Thanks again.</p>