<p>I'm pretty sure that Johns Hopkin's is not a full need school but I didn't know that they're financial aid could be so bad for people who are middle class. I went from being extremely excited about my acceptance to utterly disappointed that I can't afford it. My EFC is less than 9000 yet I would have to pay 16,000 to attend. I have received 6000 in scholarship from various sources this year but I'm not sure if this would be taken off what I have to pay or if they would simply lower their aid, forcing me to still pay the 16,000 if I want to attend.</p>
<p>Is this the same price that I should expect to pay for my full need schools? Thousands more than my EFC?</p>
<p>Was anyone else disappointed about JHU's financial aid? Feel free to vent.</p>
<p>My EFC is about $13,000 per year, yet I’ll evidently have to pay $30,000 per year for JHU… I’m not too thrilled about that</p>
<p>My EFC is around $13,000 also, and I’m shelling out at least $20,000 per year along with whatever loans that are in the FA package.
How did you guys find the loans and exacts of your FA package?</p>
<p>Don’t sweat it guys. Just realize that you’re gonna be funding world-class research if you do attend! Too much FA and they might actually give you a realistic price-point for the education.</p>
<p>I need to pay the full price, about 50K per year.
Yay! 200K debt by the time I graduate!!</p>
<p>Hey! Don’t forget the cost of grad school… Med School runs about 60+ K per year!!!</p>
<p>^Yay, med school costs! (…ugh)</p>
<p>i thought med school john’s hopkins gets into the six figures /yr? Yeah, unless I win a lottery or win it gambling like in the movie 21, I can kiss ever walking the halls of jhu good bye.</p>
<p>My EFC is 25k—JHU says it’s 30k. Either way, that’s money we don’t have because of situations financial aid does not take into account. Plus recent developments = long, long sob story.</p>
<p>But I really wanna go…
It would really suck if I got so excited over the acceptance only to have this stupid economy drag it away.</p>
<p>@ AnnaSmith - Tuition is roughly $41,000 or $42,000 a year, plus room and board and all that stuff</p>
<p>So it’s about $56,000 to $60,000 / yr. once it’s all said and done</p>
<p>Ahaha, seriously. Direct quote from one of my best friends—“Better think about what corners you’ll be strutting.”</p>
<p>I thought nothing would be worse than being rejected by colleges, until I found out I got accepted but can’t afford it…so close yet so far.
If I tell JH about the nice FA Northwestern offered me and how much I want to go to JH, do you think they’ll budge a bit and give me more?</p>
<p>^They might. It’s worth a shot, I guess.</p>
<p>Even ignoring the great merit aid from some schools that are comparable to JHU, I was surprised how weak their package was relative to other need-based schools. They were a full $10K behind the next lowest offer - and that was from MIT, which also costs less to attend. We planned a visit but that was cancelled. I can’t complain because they don’t have to offer anything, but in this economy I’d imagine Hopkins is going to dip deep into that need-aware waitlist to fill its class.</p>
<p>I’m in the same boat too… I’m intl though…</p>
<p>Well I don’t feel as bad that I was waitlisted now cause I would need lots of $$ which I have gotten from Vandy.<br>
Agreed, it is terrible to get in and then not be able to go due to $$. Hope something breaks for all of you in this boat!! Debt in this economy is not a good thing. Best of luck to you all and still give yourselves a pat on the back for getting in - very impressive.</p>
<p>The monthly payment Hopkins is asking for is more than a paycheck (that my father gets twice a month) and there are eight people living off of his salary. And taking out the loans after my parents pay what they can will still put me in so much debt after med school that my loan payment would actually exceed my salary by a thousand dollars during residency.</p>
<p>I’ve wanted to go to Hopkins since I was about twelve too.</p>