Joining Track/ Cross Country

I would like to join Track this Spring at my high school, but I don’t want to run any races or compete- I want to participate to enjoy the sport and get into better shape. Is this something that I should talk to the coach about? I would not be able to make a lot of the meets because I play club level field hockey. I want a way to work out with others outside of the high school field hockey season (besides my club team), if joining track is not feasible, do you have any other recommendations?

They will probably not let you do that. I asked the track coach if I could do that for winter track (because I swim instead, but I am there best runner in cross country) and they said that if I do not compete, I can’t practice with them.
You could join a gym, join a fitness class, etc. There are community level running groups around all towns, and it would be easy to search one up and join.

It definitely depends on the school and coach. Two years ago, my indoor coach let like 5 girls just practice because they were almost always at volleyball tournaments during when we had meets.

That being said, I would consider doing what @triangles314 Working out on your own or with a club might be nice because you don’t have to worry about committing to practice everyday after school.

Talking to the coach is a great option, however I agree with SoCcErTrAcK2016, it does depend on the school and coach.
However, I feel that being in the meets will provide you with more commitment. In meets, what matters to me is my time. When I ran track 2 years ago I started out 120lbs and 7:30 (Freshman year) on the 1600m.
In my Sophomore year, I was 104 lbs and I started as 6:40ish and ended 6:00 on the 1600m.
Junior year I couldn’t participate because I was facing issues outside of school to deal with and it’s my senior year and I am out of shape with a job.

Being in better shape means you have to eat right, track outside of practice time and realize that the pain is only limited.
I practiced LD by using apps, I had the withings activite pop, and I went to a gym.