Journalism Grad School

<p>Hey Everyone,</p>

<p>I was looking for some advice on what to do with my future college career.</p>

<p>About me:
-Junior at a California State University (CSU) looking to eventually have a career in Journalism.
-My major is International Relations and I am supplementing Journalism skills and experience at a local community college.
-I am studying abroad in France next year and will be fluent or at least very proficient when I return.
-After that I have a few options:
1) Graduate in 1 year with an IR degree and get supplemental Journalism experience.
2) Graduate in 1 year with an IR degree and French or Econ minor, but less experience.
3) Graduate in 2 years with an IR degree, Econ and French minor, and journalism experience and internships.</p>

<p>The questions I have are:
-Will the included minors greatly help my chances at a Journalism (or Journalism/IR, as there's a few) Graduate school?
-Will not having a BA in Journalism hurt my chances?
-Will having a BA in International Relations greatly help my chances?
-Will having a 6 year undergrad career hurt my chances?
-What's more valuable to a grad school, experience, major, GPA or minors?
-Would I be a good candidate for one of the Journalism/International Relations programs?</p>

<p>If you guys could help with any of these questions or advice, I'd be much appreciated. For some context I'm looking at the Major J-Schools and almost any of the schools with Jour/IR mixed programs.</p>


<p>GPA matters but the portfolio is equally important. What have you accomplished with you portfolio?</p>

<p>Have you had any articles linked by major news sites? If you have, then grad schools will lick their chops and really go at it to recruit you.</p>

<p>Make sure you have internships.</p>

<p>These are my recommendations:</p>

<li>University of Southern California</li>
<li>University of Miami</li>
<li>University of Missouri</li>
<li>University of Florida</li>
<li>Columbia University</li>
<li>Nortwestern University</li>
<li>University of North Carolina</li>
<li>Stanford University</li>

<p>It would be in your best interest to avoid student loans. You will be up to your eyes in debt.</p>