Journalism or Microbiology?

<p>I am strongly leaning towards a career in microbiology, but my back up plan is journalism. The problem with microbiology is that I don't want to be a researcher or a professor although I would not mind getting some experience in both of those areas. What I ant to do as a microbiologist is travel to developing countries and teach doctors, nurses, microbiologists, and laypeople on how to recognize, avoid, and treat infectious diseases. I'm interested in improving the long term health, so that these people can start taking care of themselves and their own people instead of relying on outside help. My problem is that I am unsure if it is reasonably possible to find a job like this... I know some microbiologists do this sort of thing, but are they just one in a million?</p>

<p>If I go into journalism I would probably focus mostly on human rights issues, but also some on religion, science, ethics, etc...but again the problem arises, is it realistically possible to expect a career in journalism focusing on human rights?</p>

<p>Either way I go I will probably do alot of work for non-profits so most likely I will never be highly paid, but money isn't my main focus in life.</p>

<p>Any suggestions as to what path I should take?</p>