Journalism/philosophy internships & summer programs

<p>I'm looking for any creative writing/journalism/philosophy programs in top schools that accept students from other universities. Internships, summer programs; things like are like 4 weeks of intensive classes that may or may not count for credit that I would have to apply for.</p>

<p>As far as internships go, your college’s j-school should maintain a listing of internship opportunities.</p>

<p>You should check out the four-week journalism study-abroad programs sponsored by the Institute for Education in International Media ([ieiMedia](<a href=“”></a>). This year there are 4-week programs in Perpignan, France (multimedia), Urbino, Italy (magazine and multimedia) and Istanbul, Turkey (international reporting). You study journalism and the local language, report and shoot stories (with the help of an interpreter) that are published on a website and get 3 journalism transfer credits from San Francisco State University (Turkey and France) or Iowa State University (Italy).</p>