Jr, southern schools, undecided [GA resident, 4.0 GPA, 29 ACT, <$40k]

Any suggestions for additional colleges to consider? I think we’ve considered everything, but want to make sure there isn’t a hidden gem we’ve missed.
Female, GA resident
4.0 uw
29 act on first attempt w/out prep. Will take again.
Undecided on major, but interested in environmental science and hospitality management. Interested in study abroad.
Wants to stay in the south. Doesn’t want to be super far from home. Doesn’t like cold weather or mountains or big cities.
Kid of college professors, so has grown up in some traditional college towns, she likes that vibe (football and Greek life), but said she doesn’t know any different so she can’t rule out smaller schools yet.
Budget, under 40k, but cheaper is better.
List so far…

Since you’re college professors can she use tuition exchange?

Wofford in SC might work. College of Charleston. University of South Carolina could work.

FSU and some of the others are reaches unless she ups her ACT. FSU would be a great choice though. If you study abroad the first year you get in-state tuition the next three years.

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She’ll up her ACT. That 29 was taking it cold sophomore year.

No tuition exchange, but she does have Florida prepaid.

No -resident tuition discounts at University of Mississippi start at ACT of 25 with a 3.0. It goes up from there. Oxford, MS is similar to Auburn, AL, so if your student likes Auburn, Ole Miss will likely give more money for a similar sort of school.

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Would she be willing to go to the southwest?

Not interested in Ole Miss because her sister is there.

She won’t consider southwest, she said Texas is too far.

Since you have Flagler on your list, would she consider College of Charleston?

She’d consider Charleston, the price seemed a bit high.

It is…but if she can get her ACT up a lot, she might get merit aid there.

Concur on Wofford, which may (depending) on need settle out at around 30K. Should also look at U of SC as they do give merit that would be in the lower 30’s probably. I have no grasp on UF, FSU, Alabama and Auburn, Rollins or Flagler on the financial side.

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A little farther north in the south, but maybe also look at James Madison University and maybe University of Mary Washington, both in VA.

FSU is a maybe - UF will not be under $40K - as you’d be full - but I don’t think would get in.

Arizona would work - it’s south - but not the south :slight_smile: It’s be cheap though.

WVU could work - people think it’s south - but it’s not.

UCF is more likely than the two Florida schools and should work. FAU too.

Ole Miss, Ms State, and potentially U of SC. Charleston doesn’t have football

App State is right over $40K but if merit, could work too. Same with Coastal Carolina which is strong in environment. And of course, Georgia Southern may be a good one.

Rollins and Flagler - why? In that case, add Stetson and Eckerd but not sure why any. Eckerd is strong in environmental. But not sure I get the LACs.

I’d check each to ensure they had the majors but monetarily they should work.

Edit - i read no to Ole Miss and the ACT was in 10th grade - so it’ll almost assuredly be going higher.

You said she doesn’t like mountains, but what about southern ones? I’m thinking about the U. of the South (Sewanee) in Tennessee. It’s definitely got Greek life and it has a strong program in environmental studies. It offers a major in Environment & Sustainability as well as in Environmental Arts & Humanities. It also tends to be generous with merit aid.

Seconding (thirding?) Wofford, and depending on how high her ACT goes, maybe Furman could get under $40k. I’d also check out Eckerd and Florida Southern, too.

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