<p>Hey guys,</p>
<p>I need some help because i have not acess to JSTOR/scholary articles. I tried local libraries but none have access. Can you guys hook me up with an account or a place to get articles.</p>
<p>Hey guys,</p>
<p>I need some help because i have not acess to JSTOR/scholary articles. I tried local libraries but none have access. Can you guys hook me up with an account or a place to get articles.</p>
<p>JSTOR access costs a LOT of money so be grateful if someone lets you use their account--and usually JSTOR access is purchased by institutions for its members so it might break some rules
Why not use Proquest</p>
<p>If you there is a college near you you may want to go to their library and see if you can get onto it there. I know that when I was taking a college class last semester I had to go to the university's library in order to do research with JSTOR.</p>