June 2017 Living Environment Regents

There’s like 8 others besides me in my grade who take trig as freshman and we are split up between two classes. There’s this one new kid who takes chem and scares me about how hard it is, “if you are getting low 90s on bio you’ll fail chem”, but I’m actually excited for chem since it is math related and that should make it more doable, if ya know

GN all, have world tomorrow.
PS: My teacher asks us how we think of world regents questions, then when we don’t answer (since its world history class), he says, “too easy??” Like he should’ve made harder questions. Just wanted to point this out like its so sad that it makes me want to cry.

Really? At my school all the sophomores taking chem say that its supposed to be a lot easier than bio.

@Hockeygal8764 I put the mining answer for that also and so did this really smart person. I didn’t put the deer or car because those wouldn’t be disruptive. Also glycolysis does start the breakdown of glucose

@123456ad how do you already know you test grade lol and wow you did so well

Yeah I think it should be just this kid who is intimidating me is known to be a ******* by all.
He left a pressure cooker (in his backpack) in the commons in school for a science project we had (he was trying to grow seeds in there lol) and he forgot it there in the commons, so some teacher found it and reported the bag, and we had a school evacuation (this was during a bio immunity test thank god) but we evacuated (all 1500+ kids) to the end of our football field for like 3.5 hours or so)
Keep in mind he is a freshman like me and notorious for being hated on. This was also a bomb threat and two helicopters arrived, three swat members, and 1 armed swat car and countless police. Not kidding

If ya care and proof: https://patch.com/new-york/fivetowns/hewlett-hs-evacuated-bomb-scare

@Hockeygal8764 also organs E and G were similar because they had the same DNA but different functions. All of your cells have the same DNA, they just have different functions because if differentiation.

@terracollege you’re lucky this happened during a test lol

@Ashley0 I just checked on powerschools

Omg i put that! It was same structure but different function

I am in 9th and I got a 98 on algebra last year and a 98 on earth science, and I thought this was easier than both of those but I’m gong for like an 87 on geometry

@1234567ad powerschools can u send link? The answers are online?! I remember last year for geo my legend of a friend sent me the answers for just mc after we finished. And I even got the question with sin^-1 (inverse of sin) right on mc when I guessed (At the time i didn’t know why I didn’t get the answer but it was bc my calc wasn’t on the right mode)

I got a 98 on algebra and 97 on earth science and I am really nervous for geometry but i had a 100 average in honors geometry but the regents are so hard

@Ashley0 yeah my teacher for bio is really bad and I’d even go as far as to say she’s evil and she gave us the credit as if we got 100

Post regents scores everyone

@terracollege i actually had a decent teacher for bio this year but omg last year my earth science teacher was terrible i’m surprised i passed the earth science regents last year

I had the best ES teacher last year, prob one of my best teachers of all time except for wind ensemble and head of band department teacher in HS this year.

also list ur scores guys

My bio teacher was insane like the smartest bio student can’t even get a 95 in her class. The regents was 10x easier than any test she’s given

but my bio teacher was terrible she literally copied notes straight from that ugly green and yellow textbook on the powerpoint and repeated them word for word back to us - we didn’t really learn much, hard to pay attention, she didn’t check homeworks (contributed to us not learning much since no one did or tried on homeworks) - lots of self studying this year and stress

oh and that link requires a password unfortunately maybe they changed it