Juniata College to start video gaming team

"… Beginning this school year, the college is to compete at a club level in the Landmark Conference, the first conferencewide esports — short for electronic sports — tournament at the Division III level, according to an Oct. 1 announcement.

At the same time, college administrators have announced a search for a coach to head a varsity team, Damschroder said.

When hired, that coach will be paid a competitive salary, he said.

‘We’re looking for folks who can show that they have experience and success within a particular game,’ Damschroder said of the coaching search.

Prospective coaches would be past video gaming professionals or a nationally ranked player capable of leading and identifying talented players, he said.

And as with traditional athletics, a varsity-level esports team would mean recruiting players and developing strategies, likely with scholarships available to strong prospects." …
