Junior GPA story

At the beginning of the school year, I was like "YES! With all these GPA bumps, I can definitely get a 4.5 WGPA. LG all the way!" Now, I'll be lucky for a 4.0 WGPA with all those crazy little assignments and little quizzes screwing me over. And I have two fracking tests tomorrow that I'm worried cuz those are the last tests for the quarter!

<p>Crazy story, but whatever.</p>

<p>This definitely did not deserve its own thread. Or its own post.</p>

<p>we all have to rant sometime. cc is the place to do it.</p>

<p>there should be a rant thread</p>

<p>This is the rant thread! :]</p>

This definitely did not deserve its own thread. Or its own post.


QFTFT. Every once in a while there's this "OMG IM SO STRESSED THE QUIZZES ARE...are...eating my...life away! I'm so...depressed! Calculus! Oh, I hate you!" among a bunch of other retarded threads asking common sense questions (such as questions specific/dependent upon each individual case or questions that cannot be answered certainly at all).</p>

<p>You chose the courses, if you can't handle them then drop out or manage your time better instead of whining.</p>

<p>I understand that everyone needs to rant once in awhile, but perhaps the time posting this topic would have been better spent by.. studying for those "little assignments and quizzes?"</p>

<p>Haha that would be funny to have a subforum under HSL called "High School Rants."</p>

<p>it'll be even funnier if this was stickied</p>

<p>The thing I hate most about this forum is how people get criticized for threads deemed "pointless". Jesus, spontaneous threads are what make forums good. Obviously some threads suck, and maybe are even uninteresting to some, but in really helps in developing a chill unique community. Eh im not really sure what im talking about lulz. GO ON.</p>

The thing I hate most about this forum is how people get criticized for threads deemed "pointless". Jesus, spontaneous threads are what make forums good. Obviously some threads suck, and maybe are even uninteresting to some, but in really helps in developing a chill unique community. Eh im not really sure what im talking about lulz. GO ON.


I agree with this except the fact that self-complaining threads about their classes or how difficult it is 24/7 is useless in every sense.</p>

<p>So howdja do on your fracking tests?</p>

<p>I want you to block CC. And the internet. Don't even go on the computer.</p>