Junior interested in BU

<p>Hey guys, I’m in Junior year and I wanna know if I’m on the right track to get into BU.
I am also looking into NYU, BC and Carnegie Mellon</p>

<p>ok umm
Male, 16…Russian living on Long Island, first generation college student.
Won’t be asking for financial aid…
I go to one of the better/best public high schools on LI/NY, it’s a blue ribbon school.</p>

<p>GPA: (school does it out of a 100)
UW: 91
W: 94
All AP/Honors classes btw…
I took 1 AP in 9/10th, This year I’m taking 4 and hope to finish high school with about 9/10 AP classes. I got a 5 on World History, which I took last yr.</p>

Expecting between 2150/2250 , according to practice tests taken.
Bio: 640 (9th grade lol)
World History: 710
definitely taking more after SAT, AP tests. any easy ones you guys can recommend?</p>

<p><a href=“School”>ECs</a>

  • Future Business Leaders of America, officer . Each year we represent the school at a state competition and do very well, sending people to nationals.
  • One of the original members of an independent online newspaper(Operation Information Liberation) which was approved by the school as a
    +Business Honors Society
    +French Honors Society
    +Webmaster for several other clubs…I created/manage websites for various clubs who wanted to get online. This includes the school newspaper, asian culture club, cinnabar (artsy poem newspaper), and Business honors society.</p>

<li>I’m co-organizing a “political awareness concert” in my school. Music interchanging with speeches from students of different politcal views, and we are trying to bring in one of the local politicians to speak. Money gets donated towards the campaign of the candidate they choose upon entrance.</li>


  • Helping out at weekend Russian school my mom owns. 70 hours.
  • Part of the Young Democrats club at the Brookhaven democratic commitee. I basically volunteer by canvassing(door to door), phone banks and data entry to help elect Barack Obama. A trip to Pennsylvania is also possible, as it’s the closest “battleground” state.
    I’ve been doing this since mid August, 2-3 times a week until the election is over.Still haven’t calculated the hours.
  • Planning to go study abroad during the summer after this year is over. The one program that interests me the most is at the University of Prague to take business/economics classes.</p>

<li>Ok this one is my gem of all EC’s, I can definitely write a killer essay using this.
With my dad, I’m working on a non-profit “project”
We seek to create a service to help unerpriveleged children on Long Island. I am trying to be vague as possible as this is a pretty big idea and I do not wish to reveal all of it’s contents before it is completely done.
We are launching it for this christmas, as the technical aspect is finished and I am working with local churches, orphanages, social workers in the county to draw interest etc.</li>

<p>This is by far the best EC as it highlights many important qualities of mine (leadership, people skills, etc)</p>

+Varsity Tennis since 9th grade
All county for singles last year, and hopefully states this year.
I’m a registered USTA player, ranked in the top 20 on Long Island for my age group (16-18).</p>

<p>bump (10 chars)</p>

<p>any body? please.
this is an older topic but I wanna get feedback</p>

<p>i think no one answered because this is one of those chance threads that’s a little too DUH if you ask me. especially with your ECs and if you accomplish your expected sat score. so yes, you will most likely be accepted, and i will probably be the only one to reply on this thread. btw, look more into bu, nyu, and bc, because while nyu and bu have many similar aspects, bc is completely different (don’t know anything about carnegie mellon), so at this point you should look more into what you’re looking for in a campus setting, social environment, etc.</p>