Junior reception

I hear that at the reception’s you hear about the school academically but what do you hear if anything about the school athletically? Football is sport! Are there any sports recruiters there to take about the sports of the college?

No. Sports recruiters don’t recruit that way. They know who and where the athletes are that they’re going after. They go to the source.

In all of the college visits and receptions and presentations I have attended with my kids, both on-campus and off-campus, not one has ever been presented by an athletic representative. 99% of you are going to school for academics, not sport, so it serves no purpose for a recruiter to address such an audience.

Moreover, there are very strict NCAA rules as to how much contact, and at what time in a student’s high school years, that a recruiter or a coach can approach students. Athletic recruiters work one-on-one; I don’t believe they will ever give a group presentation to a student body at large. If you are interested in playing sport at a DI school such as UA, students will be contacted by the athletic recruiter separately, hopefully after you yourself have researched the school and learned about the sports there.

I have heard many times of club (or ‘sport’) teams being discussed in large group presentations, but this is no different to any club on campus that a college rep might provide info about.

UA Club Athletics can be accessed here: https://urec.sa.ua.edu/sport-clubs/.