Junior transferring spring semester - good or bad idea?

I was accepted to the school and have the choice of transferring here to finish up 3 semesters before graduating. That, or I stay at the boring 93% commuter school that I currently go to.
Is this a bad idea, and will I have trouble making friends at this point? Because I hear most students move off campus their junior and senior years, so would it be likely that i’d be one of the only juniors in the dorm i’d be placed in?

Well, you should make sure that all your credits transfer. Because if they might not transfer and then you will have to spend more time and money at binghamton. You might end up staying an extra year at binghamton and that isn’t cheap. You might have trouble making friends especially if you live off campus as many transfers do and by junior year people have their group of friends established and don’t really want to meet new people. Personally, I would just stick it out at the old school.