Junior - What to do

<p>Oklahoma, Junior, Caucasian, Male, Looking to improve chances to go to an elite school.
SAT: 1380 - end of freshman year.
PSAT: 218 (1460, math+verbal) last year.
AP: Euro-3 (teacher only passed 22%) Psych-5
GPA: 4.0, always taken Pre-AP or AP
Taking this year: AP - US, Calc BC, Chem, Stat</p>

<p>Academic Team - since 7th grade, state champion in 9th grade.
Latin Club - third year participant, consul (president) this year.</p>

<p>Dealt with severe morning nausea for past year, no help from doctor.</p>

<p>What do I need to do between now and admissions?</p>

<p>Looking at my UChic or Stanford (reach for everyone I guess), any advice is welcome.</p>

<p>Stanford- Reject
U of C- Accept</p>

<p>More EC's, more leadership, get some perfect SAT II's. You aren't applying this year are you?</p>

<p>morning nausia, i get that too its from the 3 hours of sleep i get</p>

<p>lol jk, actually im not, but ya thats rough</p>