<p>Does anyone have any idea about how many applications USNA has received/is expecting to receive this year? I heard some rumors that there were substantially many more applications for the Class of 2013, just curious is there was any truth to this.</p>
<p>Don’t know if, how the final numbers might be impacted, but w/o doubt they’re pumping in more minority candidates. Even so, give or take, I’d bet we’re looking @ 12K when it’s all said and done. Simply requires too much work for the marginally intrigued.</p>
<p>When we were in Annapolis for CVW, the number being tossed around was in excess of 13K this year!</p>
<p>Since the Navy decided to combine the USNA and NROTC applications the 13K number may be artificially inflated.</p>
<p>Yes. It’s definitely not apples to apples. And this is one of the final years of the baby boom reflection demographic …soon the overall numbers will be going down of available candidates. So still “up” but no higher than in several previous years.</p>
<p>Luigi, you MAY be right. You usually are. However, I’m not sure that’s true. I believe you must have a candidate # to be considered an applicant.</p>
<p>The number has always been inflated.</p>
<p>Anyone who types their name and hits “send” is counted as an application.</p>
<p>My guess is the actual number of candidates who follow through with transcripts, essays, and BGO interviews (real applications IMHO) is half that.</p>
<p>^^^ Agree, about 50% complete the process is also what we were told. For those now applying, those stats mean virtually nothing. You can always slice/dice stats to prove just about anything. What matters is that the individual who started the thread follows through and completes the application process and eventually gets an appointment, you have no control over what everyone else does.</p>
<p>Our MOC (Congressman) had only 18 nominee’s for potentially 30+ slots for all the SAs requiring nominations in 2008 for the class of 2012. Interesting thing; all 10 slots were awarded for the Naval Academy; Granted some kids asked for multiple noms but ……</p>
<p>That is not unusual that 10 Appointee’s come out of the same district. Happens in our area all the time. What you will never know is who’s slate they are charged against. Mine had 2 noms (that we know of) - to this day we do not know who he is charged against. Could be either congressional nom or even Supe as with a LOA they work your nom so that they can open up slots on slates to get the best class appointed. The law is the law though - only 5 can be charged against a Congressional Representative or Senator per year (including the other 3 classes they already have; so typically only one or 2 will be charged against that Congressional Rep or Senator that year.)</p>
<p>10 kids weren’t appointed, 10 kids were nominated as in of the 10 slots available to the MOC for the USNA he used all 10 in contrast to the other SAs where he used/nominated only 8 out of the potential 20 slots for allocation to the other SAs. </p>
<p>My point was, relative to the question asked at the start of the thread; the level of competition for entrance to a SA that should concern an applicant begins with his MOC and how competitive his district is. I would focus more attention on that number first before I looked at the total number of applicants across the US where many of which may never receive a nom.</p>
<p>with all due respect, I would encourage everyone to put your full attention to the things that will improve your chances at an appointment- which are grades, sats, recommendations, BGO interview, physical fitness and your leadership. Those are the factors that are in your control. How many apply- while interesting, will matter little to your chances of gaining what you seek. </p>
<p>Applications in the past have fluctuated from 9k-14+K- they are still going to pick the top 1500 to yield a class size of 1400 or so-
focus on the things that are going to make your appication better. You can’t control the competetion- you can only put your very best effort forward-</p>
<p>To clarify… the subject of my original post was “Just curious…” and in no way did I mean to imply that I wanted to know the number of applicants this year in order to gauge my chance of acceptance. Nevertheless, navy2010 I do appreciate your message and agree that all applicants should concentrate on factors they can control.</p>
<p>132etc. … your inquiry & rjrzoom’s observation were perfectly clear, concise and not inkling at trying to scoop or play the system or control the competition. And your reiteration perfect. If your essays were as crystal, it would seem you’re in very good shape. Good luck, go get 'em. ;)</p>