<p>does the sending time of the cornell decision email matter?
its just a random thought.
i figure that they might send the emails to all the "accepted" students first, then to the deferrals, then the rejects...lol</p>
<p>Although that would greatly assure me…I think not. Perhaps its the other way around…arg…lets not talk about it…</p>
<p>lol. i guess i got automatically rejected then… mine was sent at 5:25</p>
<p>lol I think the system sent them all out around ~5:30</p>
<p>no they didnt…because no one from my school got an email</p>
<p>its random</p>
<p>you guys are definitely putting too much thought into this</p>
<p>poor turkkizi…lol…
idk. i guess its just a way to calm myself down. i really need to take a dip after thursday, i have been freaking out about this **** 4ever.</p>
<p>If your theory is correct, then they must have thrown mine away since I didn’t even get a letter yet. Oh well, I’ll see if the more qualified people at my school got one.</p>
<p>Most mass-email systems stagger their sendouts-- they basically send emails in ‘batches.’ It might be by last name or by time the server processed your application or whatever, but in this case I’m inclined to think it’s random so they reveal no favoritization in the process. I’m not sure why the sendout is staggered, it might have something to do with server stress. But who knows!</p>
<p>I got mine at 4:24 central time gmt-6</p>
<p>i hope my stupid thoery would make ppl’s anxiety levels go even higher…4:24=5:24EST…nobody cares about mid-usa.its all about the east…lol. jk</p>
<p>I got mine at 2:27pm EST = 11:27 PST. Am I an anomaly?</p>
<p>Haha, sooner or later we’ll be comparing our PIN and passwords.</p>
<p>PIN: 42190251521
Password: EWilliams1</p>
<p>OH WHAT. MY PIN HAS A LETTER IN IT <em>gasp</em></p>
<p>ok, look. The time you received the email will NOT matter. Last year around the decision release date, I didn’t even GET an email. When I looked at their site, it said that all the emails should have been sent out already, so I just emailed them and they said it was a mistake and actually sent mine the day of the decisions. I still got in so…make what you want of it.</p>