Just got back first chemE test...need to do better

<p>After the curve (20 points), I got an 85. I'm shooting for an A in the class, which is still definitely possible. I've done fairly well on the homework sets thus far (hard, time consuming).</p>

<p>I've heard the way to study is to do practice problems. The book we use has a lot of problems but few answers, so I never know if I'm practicing correctly. No solutions manual is available. How should I study? How much do you all study/work on hws to get an A in an engineering class? (It's not impossible...in previous years about 14% of the class got an A).</p>

<p>This is my first engineering class, so I'm open to any tips you can have! I'd like to form good habits early. :)</p>

<p>If you don’t have answers you could find similiar online problems and do them so that way you know if you doing it right or not.</p>

<p>Do you have any suggestions? We use Felder&Rousseau (sp?). I think that’s pretty much the standard book.</p>

<p>Check on cramster.com They have solutions to specific problems from specific books by experts and by other students. You just have to search to see if your book is listed on the site, 90% of mine are. Odd numbered problems that have been solved step by step are free to view. It is $10 per month for even numbered problems. I use it all the time, I don’t know how I would have passed Calc II without it. Well worth it in my opinion.</p>

<p>There is a solution guide to F&R floating around the internet.</p>

<p>Be sure after you do a homework assignment back to take a look at what you got wrong and how to do it correctly by checking the solutions manual. If you’re not sure why the solutions say what they do, go ask the TA.</p>

<p>I can tell you, I’ve TAed over six classes now and only had a handful of students actually ask about a homework after they hand it in. Those students that do ask tend to be the ones getting the highest grades on tests. (And I really wish I had done more of it back when I was taking classes!)</p>